2024 is coming to a close. What has come to completion? What plans do you have for the next year? It’s not about doing more, doing less, or doing the same. It’s that nudge of what feels unchanging and how you can make things change.
This year, I worked on my relationships; moved to a new place that was a better match for my needs; deepened into and developed my professional work; and tried a new hobby (I love pottery!!). The path was not always easy, but I kept the bigger picture in mind. I chose growth.
Early last month, it occurred to me that I didn’t have any plans or ideas for 2025. At first, I thought, “Whatever happens, happens.” Or "I’ll wait and see.” “I don’t want to overplan; I want to stay present.” But when I really asked myself what the next steps were for my own growth, there was an ‘aha’ moment. I took the time to listen to my inner voice. Once that voice was acknowledged, it started to get stronger.
This brings me to my BIG NEWS! Starting mid-January, I’ll be opening up my own office space. It will be located in Ballena Bay, a beautiful and small seaside area on the west end of Alameda, CA. The energy there is incredibly blissful and serene. (See photo above!) It's where I go to get out of my head, rebalance, and find that inner Zen.
I’ll be amongst other wellness businesses in the same building: chiropractic, massage, pilates, and talk therapy. My hope is to build a warm, supportive community while still keeping the vibe peaceful. And the parking is great, too! :D
All my private sessions will be under one (195 sq. ft.) roof— private TRE, private Breathwork Journeys, 1:1 Family Constellations, and psychic mediumship readings. With my own office, there will be more scheduling availability for you, the clients! I also plan to offer small group events/workshops for Family Constellations.
My Monday and Thursday classes at Yoga Amansala will stay the same. I will also continue my Mediumship Development Circles at Feathered Outlaw every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. My last day for private readings at Feathered Outlaw will be on Winter Solstice, Dec. 21, 2024. Feathered Outlaw and I will keep collaborating! Online private sessions will continue as usual.
I’m so excited to create a beautiful, intentional space for healing and guidance.
And how about you? What's next for your growth on your life journey?
Be well,